CHR LaTeX Instructions

For those unfamiliar with LaTeX, here are some instructions to get you started with the LaTeX template for the CHR2021 conference.

We recommend working in the online environment Overleaf. After signing up, you can create a new project by clicking on “New Project” in the upper left corner:

And then select “Upload project”:

Screenshot 2020-07-07 at 15.09.00

Next, if you haven’t done already, you need to download the CHR2021 template from here. Upload the zip file to Overleaf:

If all went well, you should see something similar to the following screenshot:

We hope that the instructions in the LaTeX file are clear. If not, please let us know!


Also overleaf has an extensive knowledge base with all kinds of tips and tricks for using LaTeX

Overleaf is working great!

A question on the template. Do you want the appendices within the paper template, and if so, do you want to count them towards the 8/16 page count limit? Do you encourage extra details in appendices also on short papers?

The page limit is only for the main text and references. When the appendix becomes too long (not sure how long Is too long), it might be published separately from the proceedings, but don’t worry about it for your submission.

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Thanks, very clear! Given that easychair asks for exactly one pdf, can I confirm that you want pdfs not .tex files then at this point?

Yes, for the initial submission, we just want the pdf. Thanks!