Keynote 2: Nina Tahmasebi "The Strengths and Pitfalls of Large-Scale Text Mining for DH"

:speech_balloon: Speaker: Nina Tahmasebi

:classical_building: Affiliation: University of Gothenburg

Title: The Strengths and Pitfalls of Large-Scale Text Mining for DH

Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss how we can use digital methods to generate sustainable knowledge in the humanities. I will give an overview of the data-intensive research methodology and discuss how methods, results, and data relate to each other and must be evaluated as parts of a whole: there is no such thing as a good method, nor is there a way to know if the results are good, without considering the data. I will discuss results as a window from which we can see our data, and how we can reason about the results of digital methods. I will also present the Change is Key! research program and describe our efforts to connect computational research with research questions from the humanities and social sciences.