Research skills in computational literary studies, a survey

Dear CHR community,

We, together with CLS INFRA team, seek for your help and want to invite you to participate in the quick survey to map the current landscape and future directions in teaching computational literary studies!

CLS INFRA project aims to create unified and easy access to a wide range of European and national infrastructures for the Computational Literary Studies community. This includes: connecting the resources and establishing standardized access to them, providing training environments and consolidating research networks, promoting the theoretical considerations for computational work on literature.

With this survey, CLS INFRA is looking for your help to find out which areas of research you would like to see represented in learning the computational and research skills necessary for data-driven studies of literature. Everyone with interest in the subject is invited to partake in the survey, regardless of experience level. The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete and you will help us shape the future of computational literary studies! :slight_smile:

The results of this survey will be used to supplement the current offer in training and schooling: CLS INFRA is organizing a series of Training Schools in the directions outlined by the research community.

Take me to the survey!

Thanks in advance for your time – and for forwarding the survey to those who might be interested!

Best wishes on behalf of the CLS INFRA project team,
Artjoms Šeļa and Lisanne van Rossum
