Please use this topic to announce your workshop, conference or other event!
Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to a current call for papers on the topic of âTheorytellings: Epistemic Narratives in the Digital Humanitiesâ. The overall goal of the special issue is to discuss the theoretical foundation of DH research as an epistemic perspective that adds to the current focus on research practices in DH, which have traditionally been focused on data and modeling issues as well as digital methods, tools and infrastructures. We invite new procedures and perspectives of knowledge production that are first and foremost derived from theoretical reflection.
Abstracts (300â400 words) are due March 31st, 2021. Accepted papers will be published in the open-access Journal of Cultural Analytics. Please find more details on the call for papers here:
We are looking forward to receive your abstract!
Manuel Burghardt, Jonathan D. Geiger, Rabea Kleymann, Mareike Schumacher (guest editors)
Hi all,
Interested in networks? The Historical Network Research (HNR) community is pleased to announce the HNR Lunch Lectures Series: From January 2021 onwards, monthly online lectures will shed a spotlight on recent research and ideas from the field of historical network analysis to promote discussion among the HNR community.
The first lecture will be on January 21, 2021. Starting off the new year will beDemival Vasques Filho, research associate at the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) in Mainz (abstract below). The lecture will start at 12:00 pm CET and ends one hour later.
To register, please send a message to before January 15, 2021. You will receive a Zoom link by email prior to the lunch lecture.
For February, our next speaker will be Henrike Rudolph, assistant professor at the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Göttingen. She explores the development of intersecting academic and political networks of Chinese scientists and experts since the Republican period in their national and international dimensions.
Happy holidays,
Dear CHers,
itâs time for experiments in Digital Humanities! In this CFP we are looking for (1) long papers that describe experimental DH methods, (2) DH data publications and (3) code experiments / interactive notebooks. You can submit your abstract in German or English until Feb. 15: CfP: Fabrikation von Erkenntnis: Experimente in den Digital Humanities | DHd-Blog
Accepted papers will be published in the âZeitschrift fĂŒr digitale Geisteswissenschaftâ (German/English âJournal of DHâ, open access; As the details of the CFP are in German, feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!
I think the category âcode experiments / interactive notebooksâ might be the most interesting for the CH community
Best, Manuel
Below call might be of interest:
The AI4LAM Teaching and Learning Working Group is organizing a series of online workshops on the week of March 29, 2021 to provide training opportunities for those interested in applying and deploying AI in Libraries, Galleries, Archives, and Museums.
We intend to bring together a diverse community of experts with subject and domain expertise, as well as technologists across GLAM institutions for a collaborative learning event. The workshops should include a critical reflection about the process of applying AI and its implications in GLAM institutions.
If you are interested in offering a workshop, please submit a brief proposal through this form:
Deadline to submit a proposal is Feb 12, 2021.
Workshops should be no longer than 2 hours if possible and be based on materials (notebooks, code repositories, pre-recorded mini-lectures, demos etc) that are made available at least 2 weeks before the event. The live Zoom session will be for interactive time and also serves to review material and field questions, or for group discussions. Additional communication will be available on AI4LAM Slack channels.
Questions can be addressed to, or the #teaching-and-learning-ai channel on
While work on and with categories in the traditional humanities remains the exception rather than the rule and is limited to certain sub-disciplines, it is omnipresent in the Digital Humanities due to the influence of standards from the formal sciences. This omnipresence of category-system development in the Digital Humanities is in stark contrast to the lack of systematic reflection in this field of research: Which categories or which types of category systems are appropriate for (certain) objects in the humanities? What determines the validity and fruitfulness of categories in this field? Which â existing or new â procedures can be used to develop a category system?
The aim of the workshop is to identify â based on practical experience â the requirements that arise in the context of digital humanities projects for the development, organization, presentation, documentation, application, testing and further development of category systems.
For more infomation see
Registration is open:
Wednesday, 17.02.2021, 1:30â5:00 pm
1.30â2:00 pm:
Introduction (Evelyn Gius, Janina Jacke; Technical University of Darmstadt)
2:00â3:30 pm:
Session 1 (Chair: Maria Hinzmann, University of Trier)
Matthias Preis, Friedrich-Wilhelm Summann (Bielefeld University):
MedienverbĂŒnde digital explorieren. Strategien der Datenmodellierung und -visualisierung (Exploring media networks digitally. Strategies of data modelling and visualisation) [talk in German]
Stefan HeĂbrĂŒggen-Walter, Jörg Walter (HSE University, Moscow; Velbert):
Subject Indexing Early Modern Dissertations: Towards a Methodology for ML-based Text Classification Using Metadata
4:00â5:30 pm:
Session 2 (Chair: Lina Franken; University of Hamburg)
Johanna Drucker (UCLA â University of California, LA):
Time Frames: Graphic representations of temporality
Audrey Alejandro (LSE â London School of Economics and Political Science):
From social sciences to text research: problematising categories as a reflexive approach to improve analytical work
Thursday, 18.02.2021, 9:00 amâ1:00pm
9:00â10:30 am:
Session 3 (Chair: Berenike Herrmann; University of Basel / Free University of Berlin)
Julia Nantke, Nils Reiter (University of Hamburg, University of Cologne):
Computational Approaches to Intertextuality: Possibilities and Pitfalls
Federico Pianzola (University of Milano-Bicocca / Sogang University, South Korea):
Fandom metadata on AO3 and their use for literary research
11:00â12:30 am:
Session 4 (Chair: Marcus MĂŒller, Technical University of Darmstadt)
Itay Marienberg-Milikowsky, Ophir MĂŒnz-Manor (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Open University of Israel):
Visualization of Categorization: How to See the Wood and the Trees
Silke Schwandt, Juliane Schiel (Bielefeld University, Vienna University):
âSlavery, Coercion and Workâ - How to overcome a Eurocentric language in Labour History? Gemeinsames Annotieren zur Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen Sprache im Projekt âWorlds of Related Coercions in Work (Cost Action 18205)â [talk in German]
12:30 amâ1:00 pm: Wrap up discussion (Evelyn Gius, Janina Jacke; Technical University of Darmstadt)
Call for papers
Research in computational and quantitative approaches to humanities data is a fast growing interdisciplinary area. The first Computational Humanities Research workshop (CHR2020) took place online from 18 to 20 November 2020, organized by the DHLab of the KNAW Humanities Cluster in Amsterdam and The Alan Turing Institute. Although most research presented had a strong data-driven component, the focus of the workshop was primarily on methods, techniques, and computational analyses in humanities research. Thus, the challenges of the underlying humanities data for computational research remained relatively underexposed, but are at least as important. This special collection aims to highlight the challenges of humanities data for computational research. This special collection of the Journal of Open Humanities Data is open to both authors who presented at the CHR2020 workshop and intend to submit a paper highlighting the aspect of humanities data and to new authors.
For this special collection we invite submissions of two varieties:
Short data papers contain a concise description of a computational humanities research object with high reuse potential. These are short (1000 words) highly structured narratives. A data paper does not replace a traditional research article, but rather complements it.
CHR2020 authors: If you have already published a paper in the CHR2020 proceedings and your research includes the creation of a dataset with potential for reuse, you are welcome to submit a short data paper that complements your CHR2020 proceedings paper.
New authors: If you are a new author and have created a dataset relevant to computational humanities research, you are invited to submit a paper in this category.
Full-length research papers discuss and illustrate methods, challenges, and limitations in the creation, collection, management, access, processing, or analysis of data in computational humanities research. These are intended to be longer narratives (between 3000 and 6000 words + references), which give authors the ability to contribute to a broader discussion.
CHR2020 authors: If you have already published a paper in the CHR2020 proceedings, you are welcome to submit a paper in this category focussing on the specific features and challenges of the humanities datasets used in your research.
New authors: If you are a new author you are welcome to submit a paper in this category focussing on the specific features and challenges of the humanities datasets.
Topics of focus are the features and challenges of humanities data for computational research, including scale and size, sampling and representativeness, data complexity, multidimensionality, multimodality, diachrony, as well as the challenges of preparing data for computational humanities inquiries.
Humanities subjects of interest to JOHD include, but are not limited to Art History, Classics, History, Linguistics, Literature, Modern Languages, Music and musicology, Philosophy, Religious Studies, etc. Research that crosses one or more of these traditional disciplinary boundaries is highly encouraged.
The deadline for submissions to this special issue is 1 March 2021. Manuscripts will be sent for double-blind peer review after editorial consideration, and accepted papers will be published online in the journalâs special collection. Please follow the submission guidelines to submit your manuscript. Please note that there are Publication Fees for accepted papers. Publication Fees are scheduled to increase from 2nd March 2021.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the editors at
About the journal
The Journal of Open Humanities Data (JOHD) is a growing open-access peer-reviewed academic journal specifically dedicated to publications describing humanities research objects, software, and methods with high potential for reuse. These might include curated resources like (annotated) linguistic corpora, ontologies, and lexicons, as well as databases, maps, atlases, linked data objects, and other data sets created with qualitative, quantitative, or computational methods.
JOHD provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Authors remain the copyright holders and grant third parties the right to use, reproduce, and share the article according to the Creative Commons license agreement. Authors are encouraged to publish their data in recommended repositories.
About the Guest Editors
Folgert Karsdorp is a researcher at the Meertens Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam. His research focuses on quantitative approaches to cultural transmission and cultural evolution. He recently published a textbook on quantitative data analysis in the humanities, called Humanities Data Analysis: Case Studies with Python (Princeton University Press, 2021).
Melvin Wevers is an Assistant Professor in Urban History and Digital Methods at the University of Amsterdam. His research interests include the philosophy of history, historical methods, and the study of cultural-historical phenomena using computational means. He has a specific research interest in the evolution of ideas, values, and practices in advertising discourse.
Adina Nerghes is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Wageningen University & Research. Her research focuses on language use in various social contexts and emerging social structures. She has investigated the refugee crisis debates in social media, strategies of health consumers and their interactions in the social media space, and discourses of newspapers, central banks, and the European Parliament.
We invite contributions to the 1st Shared Task on automatic Scene Segmentation (STSS) for German narrative texts. Scenes are time-, location- and plot-wise coherent units of a story, and can predominantly be found in narrative texts like novels or biographies. Scene segmentation is needed for a high-level analysis of longer texts, but also for many areas of NLP that deal with longer narrative texts, since even modern methods struggle with processing text longer than a couple of sentences or paragraphs.
All the details can be found here:, the shared task is co-located with KONVENS 2021:
Important Dates
June 7, 2021: Registration Deadline
June 30, 2021: Start of final evaluation
July 7, 2021: End of final evaluation
July 15, 2021: Paper submission due
August 10, 2021: Camera ready due
September 6-9, 2021: KONVENS conference
Albin Zehe, University of WĂŒrzburg
Leonard Konle, University of WĂŒrzburg
Lea DĂŒmpelmann, University of Heidelberg
Evelyn Gius, Technical University of Darmstadt
Svenja Guhr, Technical University of Darmstadt
Andreas Hotho, University of WĂŒrzburg
Fotis Jannidis, University of WĂŒrzburg
Lucas Kaufmann, University of WĂŒrzburg
Markus Krug, University of WĂŒrzburg
Frank Puppe, University of WĂŒrzburg
Nils Reiter, University of Cologne
Annekea Schreiber, TU Darmstadt
26-27-28 January 2022
UniversitĂ degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
First Call for Papers
The Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, CLiC-it, aims at establishing a reference forum for the Italian community of researchers working in the fields of Computational Linguistics (CL) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). CLiC-it promotes and disseminates original research on all aspects of automatic language processing, both written and spoken, and targets state-of-the-art theoretical results, experimental methodologies, technologies, as well as application perspectives, which may contribute to the advancement of the CL and NLP fields.
The spirit of the conference is multi- and inter-disciplinary. Considering that the complexity of language phenomena needs cross-disciplinary competences, CLiC-it intends to bring together researchers of related disciplines such as Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Machine Learning, Computer Science, Knowledge Representation, Information Retrieval, and Digital Humanities. CLiC-it is open to contributions on all languages, with a particular emphasis on Italian.
CLiC-it is an initiative of the Italian Association of Computational Linguistics.
Please note that one of the track is dedicated to CL and NLP for the Humanities.
More info:
Twitter account:
Call for Papers - SUMAC 2021
The 3rd workshop on Structuring and Understanding of Multimedia heritAge Contents
In conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2021, 20 - 24 October 2020, Chengdu, China
Workshop: SUMAC Workshop 2021
Aims and scope
The digitization of large quantities of analogue data and the massive production of born-digital
documents for many years now provide us with large volumes of varied multimedia data
(images, maps, text, video, multi-sensor data, etc.), an important feature of which is that they
are cross-domain. âCross-domainâ reflects the fact that these data may have been acquired
in very different conditions: different acquisition systems, times and points of view. These
data represent an extremely rich heritage that can be exploited in a wide variety of fields, from
Social Sciences and Humanities to land use and territorial policies, including smart city, urban
planning, smart tourism and culture, creative media and entertainment. In terms of research
in computer science, they address challenging problems related to the diversity and volume
of the media across time, the variety of content descriptors (potentially including the time
dimension), the veracity of the data, and the different user needs with respect to engaging with
this rich material and the extraction of value out of the data. These challenges are reflected
in various research topics such as multimodal and mixed media search, automatic content
analysis, multimedia linking and recommendation, and big data analysis and visualization,
where scientific bottlenecks may be exacerbated by the time dimension, which also provides
topics of interest such as multimodal time series analysis.
The objective of the third edition of this workshop is to present and discuss the latest and
most significant trends in the analysis, structuring and understanding of multimedia contents
dedicated to the valorization of heritage, with the emphasis on enabling access to the big
data of the past. We welcome research contributions for the following (but not limited to) topics:
- Multimedia and cross-domain data interlinking and recommendation
- Dating and spatialization of historical data
- Mixed media data access and indexing
- Deep learning in adverse conditions (transfer learning, learning with side information,etc.)
- Multi-modal time series analysis, evolution modeling
- Multi-modal & multi-temporal data rendering
- Heritage - Building Information Modeling, Art
- HCI / Interfaces for large-scale datasets
- Smart digitization of massive quantities of data
- Bench-marking, Open Data Movement
- Generative modeling of cultural heritage
Important dates
- Paper submission: 30 July 2021 (11:59 p.m. AoE)
- Author acceptance notification: 26 August 2021
- Camera-Ready: 2 September 2021
- Workshop date: 20 or 24 October 2021 (TBA)
Submission guidelines
Submission format. All submissions must be original work not under review at any other
workshop, conference, or journal. The workshop will accept papers describing completed work
as well as work in progress. One submission format is accepted: full paper, which must follow
the formatting guidelines of the main conference ACM MM 2021. Full papers should be from 6 to
8 pages (plus 2 additional pages for the references), encoded as PDF and using the ACM Article
Template. For paper guidelines, please visit: ACM Multimedia 2021 .
Peer Review and publication in ACM Digital Library. Paper submissions must conform
with the âdouble-blindâ review policy. All papers will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field,
they will receive at least two reviews. Acceptance will be based on relevance to the workshop,
scientific novelty, and technical quality. Depending on the number, maturity and topics of the
accepted submissions, the work will be presented via oral or poster sessions. The workshop
papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Valerie Gouet-Brunet (LaSTIG Lab / IGN - Gustave Eiffel University, France)
Margarita Khokhlova (Fujitsu France)
Ronak Kosti (Pattern Recognition Lab / DHSS, FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany)
Li Weng (Hangzhou Dianzi University, China)
Looking forward to seeing you in Chengdu (virtually or not)!
The workshop organizers
Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the call for papers for the conference âGraphs and Networks in the Humanities 2022â:
The 6th International Conference on âGraphs and Networks in the Humanitiesâ will take place on 4 and 5 February 2022 in Amsterdam, courtesy of the Huygens Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Read all about themes, topics, important dates, and guidelines for the conference at Graphen & Netzwerke | eine AG des Verbandes Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V..
We are looking forward to all your graphs related ideas!
Kind regards
âJoris van Zundert
Researcher & Developer in Humanities Computing
Dept. of Literary Studies
Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
The Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Digital Humanities is co-located with ICON 2021. The proceedings will be published in the ACL anthology. The workshop will take place virtually on the 16th or 19th of December 2021.
The focus of the workshop is on applying natural language processing techniques to digital humanities research. The topics can be anything of digital humanities interest with a natural language processing or generation aspect. A list of suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Text analysis and processing related to humanities using computational methods
- Dataset creation and curation for NLP (e.g. digitization, digitalization, datafication, and data preservation).
- Research on cultural heritage collections such as national archives and libraries using NLP
- NLP for error detection, correction, normalization and denoising data
- Generation and analysis of literary works such as poetry and novels
- Analysis and detection of text genres
We solicit original and unpublished work related to digital humanities and natural language processing. Short papers can be up to 4 pages in length and long papers up to 8 pages. Both submission formats can have an unlimited number of pages for references. All submissions must follow the ACL stylesheet.
Important dates:
- Paper submission: the 7th of November 2021
- Notification of acceptance: the 28th of November 2021
- Camera ready deadline: the 5th of December 2021
- Workshop: the 16th or 19th of December 2021
New: The authors of the accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their workshop paper to a special issue in the Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities.
Are you a young scientist with a background in ICT and do you have a creative and inquisitive mind? Do you like to think outside-the-box? Would you like to get into contact with industrial partners such as KB, RTL, Axini, SIG or Philips and solve a case together? Then apply for the âICT with Industry 2022â Lorentz Workshop.
Every year, the Lorentz Center and NWO together organize an ICT with Industry workshop. During five days a group of about 50 researchers from IT and Computer Science from a wide range of universities (within the Netherlands and Europe) will work together extensively on challenging problems proposed by companies.
This year the KB has also provided a case: ARTificial Intelligence for Simplified Texts (ARTIST). During the ICT with Industry workshop we aim to explore the possibilities to make news articles, books and other publications more accessible to people with low literacy by applying AI techniques to automatically rewrite publications.
- Register: Center for Scientific Workshops in All Disciplines - ICT with Industry 2022
- More info: Apply for ICT with Industry 2022 | KB LAB
- application deadline: 22 November 2021
- notification: early December 2021
- workshop: 17-21 January 2022
In the Netherlands, about 2.5 million citizens between 16 and 65 years old find it hard to read. This means they face challenges to fully participate in todayâs society. Recently we have seen this problem when people with low-level literacy received invitations for the COVID- 19 vaccines that were too complicated for them. But also understanding the news by reading news articles in the newspaper or websites can be difficult making it hard to understand current issues.
The KB, national library of the Netherlands, aims to make all publications available to all Dutch citizens, including people who have reading disabilities. In this use case we propose to explore the possibilities to make news articles, books and other publications more accessible to people with low literacy by applying AI techniques to automatically rewrite publications. In the Netherlands, several initiatives have been undertaken to manually make books or news articles more accessible. However, this is very labour intensive and only makes a small selection of publications available for illiterates. During the ICT with Industry workshop we aim to explore several methods to automatically rewrite news articles/book, making them available for all Dutch citizens.
Registration is now open to this 2-day digital humanites event - day 1 is presentations, day 2 is a free R intro workshop and a half-day hackathon; weâve been provided two exciting yet unpublished databases to play with. All online, but most likely in a gathertownây rather than a zoomây kind of platform.
Digital Data in the Service of Cultural Heritage - workshop and hackathon, 24-25.11.2021
The Estonian Maritime Museum and Tallinn University are pleased to invite scholars and those interested in the fields of heritage, culture, history, and digital humanities to the workshop âDigital Data in the Service of Cultural Heritageâ, taking place on 24-25 November 2021 in Tallinn, Estonia via Zoom. The workshop will feature two keynote lectures, nine research presentations, a practical digital skills workshop, and a historical data hackathon.
Two scholars have been invited to deliver keynote lectures. On the 24th of November, Pat Tanner (Traditional Boats of Ireland Project) will focus on the use of data capture for digital reconstructions. On the 25th of November, Maximillian Schich (CUDAN Open Lab, Tallinn University) will discuss cultural data analytics in the context of the workshop.
Research presentations will be made on the first day of the workshop. Nine scholars will present on various aspects of analysing, managing, and using digital data to study and maintain cultural heritage in different environments.
The second day of the workshop is organized by Andres Karjus (CUDAN Open Lab, Tallinn University). It starts with a beginner-friendly practical lesson to provide participants with a common (programming) language, which they will then apply to historical data provided for the hackathon. Registration is open until 22.11.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop and hackathon are organized in an online format. All the talks will be broadcasted online, allowing for questions and comments from the online audience. Programme, more info on the hackathon and registration, see here:
2nd workshop on Computational Methods in the Humanities (COMHUM 2022)
June 9â10, 2022 â University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Special track: character network construction and analysis
At the turn of the 2020s, a defining characteristic of digital humanities remains the remarkably wide spectrum of viewpoints they encompass, ranging from a pure engineering perspective applied to humanities data to the use of well established humanities research methods to investigate born-digital artifacts. In this framework, the COMHUM workshop series positions itself as an international forum primarily devoted to the following research questions: (1) which computational methods are most appropriate for dealing with the particular challenges posed by humanities research, e.g., uncertainty, vagueness, incompleteness, but also with different positions (points of view, values, criteria, perspectives, approaches, readings, etc.)? And (2) how can such computational methods be applied to concrete research questions in the humanities?
The second edition of the COMHUM workshop will take place on June 9 and 10, 2022 at the University of Lausanne (UNIL), unless the sanitary situation requires organizing the event online. The first day will be devoted to the specific topic of computational methods for constructing and analyzing character networks. This topic has ramifications in a variety of disciplines, including linguistics, literary analysis, digital humanities, and game studies. It is of particular interest for a number of research initiatives at UNIL and in neighboring institutions. COMHUM 2022 will thus be a perfect opportunity to bring together researchers from different communities studying character networks using computational and methodologically explicit approaches, to review the state of the art in this domain and to sketch its future developments.
In the spirit of the first edition of the COMHUM workshop, the second day will be open to submissions on any topic pertaining to theoretical or applied research on computational methods for humanities research broadly conceived.
The program will consist of invited and contributed talks. The official language of the workshop is English. Contributions can be submitted in English or French.
The topics of the workshop are divided into two tracks. The special track focuses on formal and computational aspects related to the development and use of computational methods for character network construction and analysis in data from various media types studied in the humanities, such as literature, movies, comics, and video games for example.
Topics in the special track include, but are not limited to:
- methods for character network extraction (e.g. NLP, computer vision, etc.)
- formal definitions and representation of relations in character networks
- quantitative methods for character network analysis
- computational methods for large-scale or transmedia studies of character networks
In addition, an open track welcomes submissions on formal and computational aspects related to the development and use of computational methods in the humanities in general (with a particular interest for the disciplines represented in the Faculty of Arts of UNIL â such as literature, linguistics, history, history of art, cinema studies).
Topics in the open track include, but are not limited to:
- Theoretical issues of formal modeling in the humanities
- Knowledge representation in the humanities
- Data structures addressing specific problems in the humanities (including text and markup)
- Quantitative methods in the humanities (e.g., for literary or historical studies, or for multimodal data)
- Applications of computer vision, image analysis and spatial analysis in the humanities
We invite researchers to submit abstracts of 500 to 1000 words (excluding references; approx. 1â2 pages in the specified format). Abstracts will be reviewed double-blind by members of the program committee, and all submissions will receive several independent reviews. Abstracts submitted at review stage must not contain the authorsâ names, affiliations, or any information that may disclose the authorsâ identity.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present their research at the workshop as a talk, and the abstracts will be published in the book of abstracts of the workshop. The maximum number of submissions by the same author is two papers. An author cannot be the first author of two papers.
Paper submissions must use the official ACL style templates, which are available as an Overleaf template (Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor) and also downloadable directly in LaTeX and Word format (ACLPUB/templates at master · acl-org/ACLPUB · GitHub). Abstracts must be submitted electronically in PDF format. For the submission of abstracts we use EasyChair: Log in to EasyChair
After the conference, authors of accepted contributions will be invited to submit a full paper version (6â16 pages), which, if accepted after peer-review, will be published in an open-access, electronic conference volume endowed with persistent identifiers (to be confirmed soon).
Invited Speakers
- To be announced.
Important Dates
- Deadline for submission of abstracts: January 28, 2022
- Notification of acceptance: February 18, 2022
- Workshop: June 9â10, 2022
The workshop is organized by members of the Lausanne Lab for Computational and Statistical Text Analysis (Laboratoire lausannois d'informatique et statistique textuelle): François Bavaud, Guillaume Guex, Coline Métrailler, Davide Picca, Stéphanie Pichot, Michael Piotrowski, Yannick Rochat, Aris Xanthos.
It is hosted by the Department of Language and Information Sciences (Section des sciences du langage et de l'information - SLI UNIL), with the support of the Center for Linguistics and the Science of Language (Centre de linguistique et des sciences du langage - CLSL UNIL), both in the Faculty of Arts at UNIL.
The workshop underlines the commitment of the Department of Language and Information Sciences to the computational dimension of the digital humanities, including formal and mathematical methods.
Scientific Committee
- François Bavaud (UNIL, SLI and IGD)
- Guillaume Guex (UNIL, SLI)
- Coline MĂ©trailler (UNIL, SLI)
- Davide Picca (UNIL, SLI)
- Michael Piotrowski (UNIL, SLI)
- Yannick Rochat (UNIL, SLI, chair)
- Elena Spadini (UNIL, CLSR)
- Aris Xanthos (UNIL, SLI)
- [This list will be completed.]
Further info
More information about the event will be available at the following URL: Workshop on Computational Methods in the Humanities 2022 (COMHUM 2022) â Laboratoire lausannois d'informatique et statistique textuelle. Please get in touch with Yannick Rochat ( for specific questions that are not answered by the website.
First Call for Papers 3rd International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2022 (LChangeâ22)
Contact email:
Workshop website: 3rd International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2022 (LChange'22) | Towards Computational Lexical Semantic Change Detection
Workshop description
Just like the first two workshops, the third LChange workshop will be co-located with ACL (2022) to be held in Dublin, during May 26-28, 2022 (exact dates will be announced later) and will be a hybrid event with the possibility of online participation (following the main conference).
This workshop explores state-of-the-art computational methodologies, theories and digital text resources on exploring the time-varying nature of human language. The aim of this workshop is to provide pioneering researchers who work on computational methods, evaluation, and large-scale modelling of language change an outlet for disseminating cutting-edge research on topics concerning language change. Besides these goals, this workshop will also support discussion on the evaluation of computational methodologies for uncovering language change. This year, LChange will feature a shared task on semantic change detection for Spanish as one track of the workshop. Timeline for the shared task will be released shortly.
This year we will offer mentoring for PhD students and young researchers in one-on-one meetings during the workshop. If you are interested, send us a short description of your work and we will set you up with one of the organizers of this workshop. If your paper is rejected from the workshop, we can also provide advice on improving it for future submission. This offer is limited, and will be chosen based on topical fit and availability of appropriate mentors. Deadline for applying for mentorship is May 30th via the workshop contact email above.
Via our sponsor,, we can offer one free registration for a PhD student! Apply by emailing us your short cv and why you need your registration paid.
Important Dates
- February 28, 2022: Paper submission
- March 26, 2022: Notification of acceptance
- March 30, 2022: Deadline for mentorship application
- April 10, 2022: Camera-ready papers due
- May 26-28, 2022: Workshop date (days will be decided upon later)
Keynote Talks
There will be two keynote talks providing us with different perspectives, both methods, application and evaluation. These will be announced in the next few months.
We accept three types of submissions, long papers and short papers and task description papers for the shared task track, all following the ACL2021 style, and the ACL submission policy.
Long papers may consist of up to eight (8) pages of content, plus unlimited references, short papers may consist of up to four (4) pages of content; final versions will be given one additional page of content so that reviewersâ comments can be taken into account. Abstracts may consist of up to two (2) pages of content, plus unlimited references but will not be given any additional page upon acceptance. Submissions should be sent in electronic forms, using the Softconf START conference management system. The submission site will be announced on the workshop page above.
We invite original research papers from a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:
- Novel methods for detecting diachronic semantic change and lexical replacement
- Automatic discovery and quantitative evaluation of laws of language change
- Computational theories and generative models of language change
- Sense-aware (semantic) change analysis
- Diachronic word sense disambiguation
- Novel methods for diachronic analysis of low-resource languages
- Novel methods for diachronic linguistic data visualization
- Novel applications and implications of language change detection
- Quantification of sociocultural influences on language change
- Cross-linguistic, phylogenetic, and developmental approaches to language change
- Novel datasets for cross-linguistic and diachronic analyses of language
Submissions are open to all, and are to be submitted anonymously. All papers will be refereed through a double-blind peer review process by at least three reviewers with final acceptance decisions made by the workshop organizers.
The workshop is scheduled to last for two days during May 26th and 28th (with exact dates announced later). Contact us at our contact email above if you have any questions.
Workshop organizers
Nina Tahmasebi, University of Gothenburg
Lars Borin, University of Gothenburg
Simon Hengchen, University of Gothenburg
Syrielle Montariol, University Paris-Saclay
Haim Dubossarsky, Queen Mary University of London
Andrey Kutuzov, University of Oslo
IEEE BITS | The Information Theory Magazine | Special Issue on âInformation Processing in Arts and Humanitiesâ - A call for papers
Recent years have witnessed the emergence of various sophisticated information
processing tools â including artificial intelligence ones â that are capable of interrogating increasingly complex datasets in order to tackle challenges arising in various application domains.
With increasing digitization efforts adopted by libraries, museums, cultural heritage institutions, and other stakeholders â using sophisticated imaging tools such as hyper-
spectral imaging, computerized tomography, and many more â there is now a unique
opportunity to rely on state-of-the-art information processing tools to investigate scholarly and artwork in order to generate new insights in the arts and humanities.
For example, such tools can help address high-profile questions in the arts and humanities; they can also support art conservation & preservation, and they can also lead to new ways to convey scholarship and art to the general public.
This special issue intends to showcase how information processing tools (broadly defined, hence encompassing artificial intelligence, signal and image processing powered by machine learning, and more) can be used to address challenges arising in the arts and humanities.
It also intends to bridge the gap between information processing and the arts and
humanities communities, by gathering representative contributions from interdisciplinary teams spanning both fields, in order to raise the visibility of this emerging interdisciplinary space.
We specifically encourage contributions from interdisciplinary teams composed of
information processing researchers and arts or humanities scholars.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Scientific imaging for arts, humanities, and cultural heritage, including hyper-spectral imaging, x-ray fluorescence, computerized tomography, remote sensing, and others.
- Information processing techniques to enrich and analyse digitised or born-digital datasets to answer new and established questions in the humanities, historical investigation, or art-historical investigation. Datasets of interest include but are not limited to, texts, networks, audio, images, video, virtual, 3D, and multi-dimensional.
- Information processing tools to support art-historical analysis, art conservation & preservation, and art presentation, including style analysis, material analysis, virtual restoration, and visualisation of concealed features.
- Information processing tools to interrogate scholarly work, artwork, and cultural heritage collections at scale, including approaches to shape analysis in 2D and 3D, object matching, and object identification.
- General multimodal information processing tools capable of leveraging various data modalities to address outstanding challenges in the arts and humanities.
Both contributions involving the use of information processing techniques underpinned by data-driven methods or model-based ones are welcome.
Prospective authors are invited to submit a white paper (limited to three pages single column 11-point font size), containing manuscript title, motivation/significance, outline, representative references, and the author list with contact information and short bios. Full articles will be invited based on the review of white papers.
The full articles must be of tutorial/overview/survey nature, in an accessible style to a broad audience, and have significant relevance to the scope of the Special Issue.
The full article would include up to 12 double-column pages including references, 11-point font size, at least one figure (to be hosted at the website), up to 30 references, at least 1.25" margin on the left and right sides, and 1" margin from top and bottom.
The articles should not have been published or be under review elsewhere.
For submission guidelines, see the Information for Authors at Information for Authors | Information Theory Society.
Relevant Dates:
- White paper submission: 4th February 2022
- Manuscript invitation: 25th February 2022
- Manuscript submission: 29th April 2022
- Manuscript reviews: 27th May 2022
- Manuscript final version: 1st July 2022
- Special Issue Publication: September / October 2022
Editors/Editorial Board:
Carola Bibiane-Schönlieb (University of Cambridge)
Giovanni Colavizza (University of Amsterdam)
Ingrid Daubechies (Duke University)
Israel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv University)
Catherine Higgitt (National Gallery, London)
Aleksandra Pizurica (Ghent University)
Miguel Rodrigues (University College London)
Barak Sober (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
James Z. Wang (The Pennsylvania State University)
Computational Stylistics Workshop on Emotion and Sentiment Analysis in Literature
Paris, June 16-17 2022
Generally speaking, sentiment analysis is used in natural language processing to encompass all research studies dealing with opinions, sentiments or emotion of an individual or a community, as can be seen from the title of this book : Sentiment Analysis: Mining Opinions, Sentiments, and Emotions (Liu, 2015). As far as computational literary studies are concerned, Kim and Klinger (2021) argue that whereas sentiment analysis is mainly focused on text polarity (positive or negative), emotion analysis rather seeks to identify an affective state. Since literature has the unique ability to arouse strong feelings in readers, it is therefore not surprising that computational tools have paved the way for new methods for studying characterisation, narratology and style. In this respect, it is possible to distinguish a wide array of computational approaches to sentiment analysis in literary texts focusing on the one hand on the emotional trajectory of the story itself (Reagan et al., 2016 ; Schmidt, 2019), its main protagonists (Nalisnick and Baird, 2013a, 2013b ; Yavuz, 2020 ) or the relationships they share (Jhavar and Mirza, 2018), and on the other hand, on the evolution of the vocabulary of emotions in literary texts (Rastier, 1995 ; Mohammad, 2012 ; Leemans et al., 2017), in some cases in relation to specific places (Heuser et al, 2016). See Kim and Klingler (2018) for a detailed survey.
In practice, depending on the time span of the analysed corpus, the automatic detection of sentiment in texts has mostly relied on existing or customised lexicons. However, in recent years, an increasing number of computational tools specifically geared towards literary texts have been developed, such as SentiArt (Jacobs, 2019) which uses artificial intelligence techniques and SentText (Schmid et al., 2021). Consequently, unlike other texts, literary texts seem to possess some linguistic specificities that can only be taken into account by adapting existing sentiment analysis methods. For instance, with regards to the great complexity of literary language, Gius et al. (2020) propose to focus primarily on interesting text segments without attempting to assess the polarity of words denoting sentiments. Nevertheless, several domains intrinsically linked with emotions in literary texts have scarcely been explored with computational tools: the authorâs stylistic choices when conveying emotions or even sentiment detection in relation to both literary criticism and readersâ response. More specifically, as it has been of great interest to linguists and narratologists in recent years, readersâ response to literary texts could potentially enable to better understand the diversity of the reading experience which mixes self-appropriating the emotions described in the text, identifying to a certain degree with the characters/narrator and feeling suspense, curiosity or surprise (Baroni, 2007).
Following previous initiatives such as the 2019 Montpellier conference âQuestioning the Text in the Era of âMechanical Intelligenceâ: Digital Stylistics between Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary studiesâ and the 2021 lecture series on Sentiment Analysis in Literary Studies, this workshop intends to enable researchers to share their experience on sentiment analysis in literary texts and also to foster new approaches in the field of digital literary studies, mainly in relation the following topics:
âą Generic lexicon and sentiment detection in literature;
âą Visualising emotions in literature;
âą Emotion and style (metaphors, repetitions, clichĂ©sâŠ);
âą The history of emotions in literature;
âą Emotions in popular literature;
âą Literary critics and readersâ opinions on literary texts and authors;
âą Affect and charactersâ gestures or more generally charactersâ description;
âą The relationship between emotions/sentiments and literary genres;
âą The identification the causes of emotions/sentiments;
âą The readerâs emotions.
Submission Procedure
Proposals (2 pages, i.e. between 600 and 1,000 words) in English or in French shall be sent before March 1, 2022 both to Dominique Legallois ( and Suzanne Mpouli (
Authors will be notified of a decision on their proposal in mid-April.
Dominique Legallois (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Lattice)
Suzanne Mpouli (UniversitĂ© de Paris, Centre des HumanitĂ©s NumĂ©riques â Direction GĂ©nĂ©rale DĂ©lĂ©guĂ©e des BibliothĂšques et MusĂ©es)
Practical Information
The workshop will be held in a hybrid format and participants can choose to present in English or in French. The event is free of charge and is endorsed by the SIG Digital Literary Stylistics.
Scientific Committee
Jean-Baptiste Camps, Ăcole Nationale des Chartes
Francesca Frontini, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale âA. Zampolliâ
Ioana Galleron, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Berenike Herrmann, University of Bielefeld
Olivier Kraif, Université de Grenoble Alpes
Thierry Poibeau, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Glenn Roe, Sorbonne Université
Baroni, R. (2007). La Tension Narrative . Paris: Seuil.
Gius, E., Murawska, A., Schmidt, O., Sökefeld, C. & Vauth, M. (2020). âSentiment Sensitivity. Using Sentiment Analysis in Literary Studies to Analyze Genre and the Depiction of Illnessâ, Book of Abstracts Digital Humanities 2020 .
Heuser, R., Moretti, F. & Steiner E. (2016). âThe Emotions of Londonâ. Stanford Literary Lab Pamphlets, 13.
Jacobs, A. M. (2019). âSentiment Analysis for Words and Fiction Characters from the Perspective of Computational (Neuro-)Poeticsâ, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 6 (53).
Jhavar, H. a& Mirza, P. (2018). âEMOFIEL: Mapping Emotions of Relationships in a Storyâ, Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2018 , pp. 243â246.
Kim E. & Klingler, R. (2021). âA Survey on Sentiment and Emotion Analysis for Computational Literary Studiesâ, Zeitschrift fĂŒr digitale Geisteswissenschafte n, doi: 10.17175/2019_008_v2
Leemans, I., van der Zwaan, J. M., Maks, I., Kuijpers, E. & Steenbergh, K. (2017). âMining Embodied Emotions: A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment and Emotion in Dutch Texts, 1600-1800â, Digital Humanities Quarterly , 11(4).
Mohammad, S. M. (2012). âFrom Once Upon a Time to Happily Ever After: Tracking Emotions in Mail and Booksâ, Decision Support Systems 53 (4), pp. 730â741.
Nalisnick, E. T. & Baird, H. S. (2013a). âCharacter-to-character Sentiment Analysis in Shakespeareâs Playsâ, Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers) , pp. 479-483.
Nalisnick, E. T. & Baird, H. S. (2013b). âExtracting Sentiment Networks from Shakespeareâs Playsâ, 2013 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition , pp. 758-762.
Novakova, I. & Siepmann, D. (Eds.). (2020). Phraseology and Style in Subgenres of the Novel , London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Rastier, F., ed. (1995). LâAnalyse ThĂ©matique des DonnĂ©es Textuelles : LâExemple des Sentiments . Paris: Didier.
Reagan, A. J., Mitchell, L., Kiley, D., Danforth, C. M. & Dodds, P. S. (2016). âThe Emotional Arcs of Stories are Dominated by Six Basic Shapesâ, EPJ Data Science , 5(1), pp. 1-12.
Schmidt, T. (2019). âDistant Reading Sentiments and Emotions in Historic German Playsâ, Abstract Booklet DH Budapest 2019 , pp. 57-60.
Schmidt, T., Dangel, J. & Wolff, C. (2021). âSentText: A Tool for Lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis in Digital Humanitiesâ, Information between Data and Knowledge. Information Science and its Neighbors from Data Science to Digital Humanities. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium of Information Science , pp. 156-172.
Yavuz, M. C. (2010). âAnalyses of Character Emotions in Dramatic Works by using EmoLex Unigramsâ, Proceedings of the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, CLiC-itâ20 .
Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to announce the programme for the upcoming conference Graphs and Networks in the Humanities 2022. Originally planned as an event in Amsterdam, the conference has been forced by the ongoing circumstances of the pandemic to move online. Although this was of course regrettable, we hope that the move will pay off by allowing many more interested colleagues to participate!
Registration for the conference is possible on This page provides access to the programme and the abstracts. Registration will also grant access to the Perusall platform where the abstracts have been published in advance for comment and feedback from participants.
With best wishes,
The Programme Committee
Joris van Zundert (Chair)
Tara Andrews
Elisa Cugliana
Aline Deicke
Franziska Diehr
Thomas Efer
Julian Jarosch
Andreas Kuczera
The CFP of the Second Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient LAnguages (LT4HALA 2022) is available online: LT4HALA | Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA)
The workshop will be co-located with LREC 2022.
LT4HALA 2022 will host two shared tasks:
- the second edition of EvaLatin, an evaluation campaign entirely devoted to the evaluation of NLP tools for Latin;
- the first edition of EvaHan, an evaluation campaign for the evaluation of NLP tools for Ancient Chinese.