Evaluation and Alignment of Movie Events Extracted via Machine Learning from a Narratological Perspective

:speech_balloon: Speaker: Feng Zhou and Federico Pianzola

:classical_building: Affiliation: Center for Language and Cognition, University of Groningen,

Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26, 9712 EK Groningen, The Netherlands

Title: Evaluation and Alignment of Movie Events Extracted via Machine Learning from a Narratological Perspective

Abstract: We combine distant viewing and close reading to evaluate the usefulness of events extracted via machine learning from audio description of movies. To do this, we manually annotate events from Wikipedia summaries for three movies and align them to ML-extracted events. Our exploration suggests that computational narratology should combine datasets with events extracted from multimodal data sources that take into account both visual and verbal cues when detecting events.

:newspaper: Link to paper

:file_folder: GitHub repository

:desktop_computer: Slides

:warning: Job announcement :warning:

PhD position Narratives in Argumentation (computational approaches)
Deadline: 7th January 2024