Operationalizing and Measuring Conflict in German Novels

:speech_balloon: Speaker: Julian Häußler and Evelyn Gius

:classical_building: Affiliation: fortext lab, Technical University of Darmstadt,
Residenzschloss 1, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany

Title: Operationalizing and Measuring Conflict in German Novels

Abstract: In this contribution we explore ways of detecting conflict representation in literary texts. First, we operationalize Glasl’s concept of social conflict for manual annotation and second, we adapt a word embedding-based sentiment analysis ( SentiArt ) for the attribution of conflict values based on two scalar conflict operationalizations. By translating the values of the latter approaches into binary labels, we compare the embedding approaches with the manual annotation. Though correlation between the approaches is low, the paper demonstrates possible approaches to conflict analysis in literary texts and outlines directions for future research.

:newspaper: Link to paper
